University of the Arts London


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Version 2 2020-06-30, 13:03
Version 1 2020-06-30, 10:56
conference contribution
posted on 2020-06-30, 13:03 authored by Andrew Donkin
02/07/2020 10:00 Room 1 #illepn

A short paper describing the uses and impacts of our graphic novel, ILLEGAL, in classrooms around the world.



I love telling stories. I remember staring at Terrance Dick's name on the spine of a Target Book in a school classroom when I was seven and realising in that moment that I wanted to be a writer. It's all his fault. I specialise in graphic novels and children's books and have sold over ten million copies around the world. My most recent graphic novel, Illegal, co-written with Eoin Colfer, tells the story two brothers on their dangerous journey from Africa to Europe and has won over a dozen awards including an EGS medal for Excellence in Graphic Storytelling.