University of the Arts London

TP and NTP full dataset

posted on 2022-03-31, 15:51 authored by Athanasios VeliosAthanasios Velios
This dataset includes statements about manuscripts from the library of St. Catherine Monastery in Sinai and specifically about the existence of leaf markers on each manuscript. The dataset is provided in three formats: CSV, OWL and RDFS.

Leaf markers are not individually identified. Only their existence and type is indicated. The dataset is used to demonstrate a method of describing numerous individuals and absence of types in Knowledge Bases.

all-records.csv is the original data as collected at the Monastery.

all-records-owlcro.owl holds the original data alongside fictional records of individual leaf markers for each book (these do not exist but they are necessary to demonstrate the applicable method)

all-records-owlcrop.owl holds the original data only

The same logic is followed for the RDF files.

Due to the size of this dataset it may be possible to perform reasoning in OWL with it. A small indicative dataset is also available in this repository.


Linked Conservation Data - phase 2

UK Research and Innovation

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