University of the Arts London

Double Diamond Framework and Stakeholder Map

posted on 2024-04-15, 15:28 authored by Lorraine Gamman, Adam Thorpe
Double Diamond framework
DAC’s design process is visualised in the Double Diamond framework, an iterative 4 stage process that cycles through phases of exploration and synthesis. The Double Diamond framework is a visualisation of the design process first created by the Design Council (2004). This framework is widely disseminated in academia and by many design outfits.
Stage 1: Co-Discover (Exploration)

This research stage aimed to understand peoples' opinions and experiences with cell furniture, how it is used, misused and abused, and what is state-of-the-art. A variety of research methods and tools were used: literature review, interviews with prisoners, staff and ex-offenders, guided tours of prisons and prison industries, insight sessions at HMP Standford Hill, and other immersive practice-based methods.

Stage 2: Co-Define (Synthesis)

In this stage we synthesise the research and observations into key insights and other design tools that help contextualise, reframe and highlight the main challenges and issues. Stage 2 activities included the co-design workshops at HMP Standford Hill with prisoners and staff, where as a cohort, we created prisoners personas and co-defined a set of cell furniture design objectives.

Stage 3: Co-Develop (Exploration)

In this ideation stage, we came up with cell furniture ideas, concepts and prototypes with prisoners and staff. Stage 3 activities included the co-design workshops at HMP Standford Hill, in addition to the subsequent months of design development with prison industry experts and others specialising in manufacturing and materials.

Stage 4: Co-Deliver (Synthesis)

This final stage focuses on refining the cell furniture proposals and evaluating the designs with full-scale prototypes and testing to HMP standards.

Cell Furniture Project Stakeholder Map

The cell furniture project stakeholder map identifies project dutyholders and stakeholders in relation to DAC's design-led research and other project tasks and activities. By mapping the stakeholder landscape, we can visualise the project’s gatekeepers and the various channels of communication.


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