Kim Noce, Love in Idleness
Version 2 2022-02-25, 16:54Version 2 2022-02-25, 16:54
Version 1 2021-11-30, 14:08Version 1 2021-11-30, 14:08
posted on 2022-02-25, 16:54 authored by Rachel JillionsRachel Jillions, Kim NoceLove in Idleness by Kim Noce is an animated
film commissioned for the Still Shakespeare
Series as part of the consortium
Shakespeare400. This consortium of
leading cultural, creative and educational
organisations was coordinated by King’s
College London to mark the 400th
anniversary of Shakespeare’s death in
2016. Noce’s film for the Still Shakespeare
Series was developed during workshops
supported by the Cultural Institute at King’s
College London where the invitation was to
create a film based on research into iconic
Shakespearean images. In particular to
think about that way that certain well-known
images have been absorbed into a shared
cultural memory. The resulting work: Love
in Idleness is an authored re-imaging of a
scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream
when a quarrel with her husband leads to a
punishment for Titania who is made to love
a donkey. Revisiting this story from a
feminist lens Love in Idleness presents an
empowered Titania who takes ownsership
of her body. Made with charcoal on paper;
the animation is composed of a series of
drawings constantly erased and retraced
over a 9 month period. The film went on to
screen at over 35 major festivals including
Animafest, Zagreb; Encounters, Bristol;
London Short Film Festival and MIAF,
Melbourne supported by Film London’s
Artist Moving Image Network FLAMIN.
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