University of the Arts London

The Sabin Award

Posted on 2020-06-29 - 09:20 authored by IGNCC Admin
A recorded conversation with Shromona Das, whose paper ‘The Perfect Victim: Reading Victimhood in Rape Narratives of Indian Comics,’ presented at the 10th International Graphic Novels and Comics Conference in Manchester was selected for the Sabin Award 2019.

The Sabin Award for Comics Scholarship is awarded annually
to the best paper presented by a postgraduate student at the IGNCC
conference. This is intended to recognise and encourage comics
researchers at an early stage in their career and to honour Professor
Roger Sabin’s dedication to furthering the cause of comics study.
It’s open to any student delegate registered on a postgraduate degree
and will be judged anonymously by a voluntary committee.
We would like to invite any delegate not eligible for the award
to join this committee – please do contact the email address below
if you would like to take part in the judging.
The award process is intended to be completely transparent and
submissions will be judged against the following criteria:
- originality and innovation of content
- clarity of structure and argument
- appropriate theoretical or methodological framework
Each paper will be marked out of ten in each category to produce
a shortlist. The judging committee will then agree on the best paper.
Entrants should submit their abstract and paper in a single
anonymised written document with a maximum word-count of
4,000 words (excluding references). This can include images if
desired. Please use any standard referencing system.
After the conference, please email your entry to thesabinaward@gmail.
com before the deadline of 1 October. Please also direct any queries to
this address. The winner will be announced at the start of the following
year. They will receive a certificate, free registration for the next IGNCC,
a free personal subscription to the journals, and a small prize.


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Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg
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Academy of Management Review
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